Friday 28 September 2012

The long week.....2 weeks to taper

24th September

Still mulling over yesterdays race. Anyway had plenty of time in the car on the way home- another 100 minute car journey. Anyway jogged for 40 mintes or 4 miles but HR was really high – in fact to crazy levels.

4 miles in 40 minutes. HR 144!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

25th September

It was still dark at 6.52 am when I headed out, a sure sign of the winter nights that are coming. That and the bucketing of rain. Funnily enough I didn’t mind heading out in it and to be fair the worst of the rain had dispersed within 15 minutes. Decided to do a 9 minute pace ten mile run, if only to give the legs a chance to recover and my heart rate had to come down. It was a pace that suited me perfectly but I didn’t have the desire to increase it either, a sure sign to take it handy. Ran a pretty odd route with lots of out and back’s – Love Lane, Smiths Rd, a couple of laps of the town park, up and down the railway road, back to my house and out past the Turrets and back home again. Definitely a route not designed for speed. I felt very relaxed all the way through. The whole took around 1.28.25 (8.50 pace). The heart rate was 140 average so hopefully i can keep it to that for most of the week.. I was worried I was cutting things fine in allowing time for some small core work, shower, shirt and tie and brekkie followed by the ever familiar commute to Cork City.I made it with plenty to spare for my 11.05 class. I like the early morning running , always feel I’m getting one up on the rest of the world.

10 miles – 1hr28mins25seconds/8.50 pace/Hr 140

26th September

The pattern of my garmin not behaving itself on a Wednesday continued. Had to rely on the stopwatch for this one. Moreover work ran very late and the prospect of futher delays proved less than appealing so I opted for Charleville over Mayfield. Reckon I did at least ten miles (maybe 10.5 miles) in around 1.25.xx. Took it very slow for the first half mile as i running with a slower jogger so the time should be 2 minutes quicker. Anyway felt very comfortable.

10.5 miles -1hr25minsXXseconds.

27th September

Did 8.47 miles in 1.05 or so (possibly faster) and 5 X 2 minute sprints with walking breaks. In total ran 10 miles in 1hr.16minutes.33seconds.

HR 150
Anyway a picture of me crossing the mat during the Charleville half marathon. My relief is obvious...

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