Thursday, 26 April 2012

Base Building

23rd April

Base training continues .It was  lashing out of the skies on Monday. Don’t mind the rain too much. It’s the getting wet I hate ;-). Left the house at 5.45 pm replete with hat and windbreaker. Jogged  a easy 1.2 miles to railway road. Ran ½ intervals with 1.45 minute recoveries. Jogged a easy two mile home for a approx total of six miles. Enjoyed the interval workouts.  Definite improvement from two weeks ago.

24th April

Left the house this morning at 6.00 am. Had a parent teacher meeting which meant i wouldn’t be home until 8.00 pm. Beside Barca v Chelsea was on the box at that time too. Barca are on top but just conceded a daft goal!!! Anyway ran this as recovery run. 6.2 miles at 8.30 pace. During the day felt a ache in either groin and back of my left heel. Iced and stretched all effected parts so hopefully that will sort it out. Just wondering if I should limit the interval work to every two weeks at the moment. I live in dread of getting a injury. Next week I will give the Midleton 5 mile a shot so I will use that as my speed session.

25th April. Went out thinking about doing a slow 4 miler. The pace was 8.50, 8.50, 8.53, 8.48 for the first 4. Despite the heavy rain and the heavy legs decided to do another 2.2 miles. Happy enough to get the miles up in my legs. Shouldn’t be too concerned with pace now but eventually want to be able to do a 7.30 pace per mile.

26th April – Had planned to go to Doneraile Park but the heavy showers and the prospect of getting sopping wet followed by another 15 minute drive home persuaded me otherwise. Sometimes the best plan is to get home and run door to door. Wanted to experiment a bit this time after the last two dull plods. Ran first mile at 7.54 pace, mile 2 at 6.35, 104 second jog, mile 3 at 6.50, mile 4 at 8.34, mile 5 at 8.05, mile 6 at 7.47 with a 107 second cool down.  In otherwise with mile 2 and mile 3 I was trying a tempo run and seeing if i could sustain that run. Results were mixed. After the warm up I could hit a sub 6.45 pace on two occasions but i had to take a 104 second breather. The remaining 4 miles I barely had enough gas to get home. Will try it again on Monday but might aim for a 7.00 minute pace on miles 2, 3 and hopefully 4.

Saturday is a 12 mile run.

23rd April Interval pace 1) 6.20 2) 6.34 3) 6.22 4)6.18 5) 6.24 with 1.2mile warm up and 2 mile cool down. Recovery 105 seconds. Total mileage 6 miles.

24th April 6.2 mile recovery run.  (8.30 pace)

25th April 6.2 mile run (8.42 pace – heavy  legs- was intending to do slow 4 but did a solid 6.2)

26th April 6.2 mile run with 2 miles at sub 6.45 pace

1 comment:

  1. be careful with those short fast runs. you should be really looking for a more controlled pace with miles 2 and miles 3 and a tighter opening and closing mile
