Saturday, 15 April 2023

Easter Egg

 To be fair I haven't had a Easter Egg yet so I am being very virtuous. I took a break from the running last Saturday as I wanted to be fresh for a family 70th in Killarney. The Friday the day before I ran a 5 mile meaning it was my 8th running day in a row, another 7 day plus 1 running streak . The 70th went well , big dinner , no dessert and no beer. The Sunday morning I went for a lovely 7 day run in Killarney National Park. There was hardly a soul around at 740am in the morning just the sound of the stags and deers doing their early morning thing. I should have probably done another 3 miles but I wasn't  sure of the breakfast arrangements and got back before 9 am. (31 miles for the week)

I was facing into another handy week off so it was 6 miles on Monday and a session on Tuesday - tough it was too (8 x 800 metre repeats on the railway run with 1 warm up and 1 mile cooldown). The pace was roughly 6.54 per mile, a bit off the 6.40 I did a few years ago but i was happy with my effort. Wednesday I settled for a 4 mile easy jog on the treadmill and a another nice low HR 6 mile on Thursday (8.11 pace, 145 HR). Friday just for the craic I ran a 4 mile in the morning at a 8.45 pace.

The  6 day streak ended the next day. I had to go to a coaching course in Kilworth on the Saturday and truth be known I was quite tired. I am running a 10 mile in Patrickswell Limerick on Sunday. If complete that will take me up to 36 miles for the week.

Then it's back to work on Monday. That will effect the running for a few days.

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