Monday, 6 July 2020

(re) born on the 4th of July - Mallow long run

....went for a long run with Mallow Ac for the first time since April 2019. I was a active member of the club from 2012 to 2016 but was less involved in the club in 2017 with only sporadic runs with the club since then. I don't know how I will get on in the future but I really enjoyed my 11 mile run with the club on Sunday in the company of Kevin and John. Both guys are in their 60's and 70's but I am in total admiration of their fitness and dedication to running. Very fit guys and very good company.

I went for a run on Saturday , 5 miles and this filled me with a lot of confidence before the Mallow run on Sunday.

A good running week for me. Sluggish starting off but ended well. I was tired all day Sunday (but in a good way) and took Monday off. I'm nearly finished a course I am doing. It was/is going ok until the inevitable falling out in the group project. Lesson to be learned : Teachers can't do teamwork  but this crowd I was working with are a right bunch of shits.

Rant over - happier now!!!

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