Monday, 16 October 2017

Ophelia, Ophelia, Ofuckit!!!

Monday morning here in the house at 10 am waiting for the worst of Ophelia to hit us. Obviously no chance of a run this morn not because of the impending ex-hurricane but because the schools and creches were closed today and the wife is up in Dublin so parenting responsibilities come first. Adult maturity has very little to do with it.

It has been 3 weeks since Berlin and I have spent a lot of time thinking about it. First off I was delighted to get around and get finished but there was no hiding I left a great chance of PB'ing a marathon behind me. It's probably unlikely I will get such a good training cycle up on my legs again. I should have stuck to a more conservative plan. Maybe it may not have made a difference I don't know. I won't be stopping running marathons though I have signed up for one in April and have my eyes on a fun marathon in early summer with ideas to take on another serious one next year.

For the present moment I am entered in for Dublin in a few weeks. Training was going ok enough the last 2 weeks but hit a bump this weeek. First week back after Berlin I ran 2 X 5 miles and a handy 11 miler on the Sunday (8.38 pace). The massage off John O Sullivan did the trick. That week was all about recovery running. The second week back was very good indeed. 3 miles recovery on Monday, 8 miles at 7.30 pace on Tues in Cork, 7 miles handy on Wednesday (hilly Mayfield run - 8.10 pace), 7 miles at 7.30 pace in Blackrock on Friday and a a great 16 miles run at 7.37 pace on Sunday. The last run was a key workout. I ran it at the same pace I ran the first 20 miles in Berlin. The intention was to train the legs to run at a faster pace but run the marathon at a slower pace. Intensity over endurance especially with a short turn around.

The third week back (last week) started off well enough. 3 mile recovery jog, 7 miles on Tuesday with sprints (6mins/5mins/4mins/3mins/2mins/1mins/4mins/3mins/2mins/1mins). By Wednesday I wasn't feeling great. The small one had a tummy bug all week and Aoiffe had a chest infection so it was my turn this time. It was essentially a mini flu, a viral infection, achey limbs, headaches, ear ringing, lack of appetite. I've got it before (for years). Just one of those things but no running for the rest of the week. Managed a strained 7 miles on Saturday before feeling wiped out again on Sunday and Ophelia today so no run either today.

It's the way it goes. Aoiffe is away for the week so no evening runs this week either. Next run will be Wednesday (babysitters required) and then Friday (between lunch) and Sunday. One of those will have to be a long run. Then it's a week to the marathon.

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