Sunday 22 October 2023

Joe Jogger Joe Blogger

 Last week of the taper in front of me. Race day is next Sunday 29th October. Training has gone ok enough but load of areas for improvement, improvements I may never take on board.

1) I had hoped to get 3 x 20 mile runs completed. In the end I settled for 2 x 22 mls

2) I had hoped to get a good few long runs completed in Cork. In the end a 18 miler with Aidan on the 2nd of September.

3) I had notions of doing speedwork once a week mile repeats and tempos. Never really happened.

4) I had hoped to get 50 miles up on the legs in September. The most was 43 miles.

5) I had hoped to get under 1hr40mins in the Charleville half. In the end I settled for a 1hr52mins.

6) I had hoped to drop the weight to under 85kg but it has remained at 87kg.

7) Rejoin a running club. Never happened.

I have  run as well as I could under the present circumstances. Weekend long runs have always occurred. I l also have generally got 3- 4 times a week. HR has also remained steady. I am a lot more comfortable getting a baseline training of 30 miles a week up on my legs. Injury wise not too bad but the ankle is still niggly. The gammy hammy/quad thing is still there on faster runs.

One week to go. Lets enjoy this one.

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