Friday, 10 February 2017

Slight uplift

Maybe it’s time to start with regular blog updates. 2017 is well underway and it’s probably time for a new perspective on the whole running goal's thing. Everything this year is firmly centered in getting in shape for the Berlin marathon on 24th September. I wouldn’t be lying if I didn’t have some apprehension about the prospect of training for another marathon (my 12th). The fear of injury has weighed heavily on my mind since I started back jogging last October but so far a diet or 3 – 4 solo runs a week (23-30 miles a week) hasn’t done me any harm so far. I haven’t attempted much in the way of speedwork or hillwork since November  sticking mostly to the well known routes around Charleville town and trying to get away from the whole “I must get a PB, I must get faster, I must get better than the guy in front of me” mentality which at this stage isn’t going to do me any good. As I said before lets keep it very mellow for the moment.

That said there was been a slight uplift in the training in the last 2 weeks. Wednesday’s are currently devoted to a tempo session (20 minute warm up, 25 – 30 minute tempo and 10 minute cooldown). Monday is a easy pace 6-7 mile run, Thursday 6-7 miles with a 90 minute long run over weekends. I don't envisage me running more than 35 miles a week unitil the summer. I also ran the Dungarvan 10 last Sunday. As in keeping with a time honoured tradition of using that race as a attempt to feel my way into racing I ran a solid plod of 1.16.00 / 7.35 pace. I thought I would be only to run around 8 minute to 8.10 pace but I did ok enough I suppose. A slow time but hopefully it’s a pace I can eventually stretch to  over 20 miles in September. It was also a good opportunity to catch up with clubmates. Realistically there is little chance of attending many Mallow training sessions as baby Iseult is number one priority. Aoiffe is understanding enough as it is – best not to push it too much at the moment. Lets just hope this latest chapter in me making a running comeback isn’t mired down in injury, illness or trauma – something which has been a on/off feature the last couple of years.

By the way a word about the photo (courtesy of Derek Costello) , pretty awful isn't it. Obviously overweight. I was pretty comfortable until the end ;-) (Honestly!!!)

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